Thursday, November 8, 2012

Stepping Into Character and Tripping

So several weeks ago, I had to change characters due to an intense, intimate, albeit short-lived love affair with dynamite.

Unfortunately, I'm frustrated with Rex O'Malley - I can't find the right voice for him - there's no rhythm for where he fits into the group dynamics. Initially, I thought of him as a loud, boisterous man with a certain joie de vivre - live large, live fast, and probably die in hail of bullets, monster gore and a beautiful woman under one arm and a bottle of whiskey in his mouth.

I realized the problem last night as I talked to my wife, I, semi-inadvertently, created an adrenaline junkie - semi-inadvertently in that while I didn't say "Hmm, I wonder what a Weird West adrenaline junkie would look like?" But instead, I created a man who was seeking fame, fortune, and to keep himself distracted from certain unpleasant truths. Unfortunately, since he joined up with the group, it has been fairly quiet, first a funeral and some travel, then interacting with a Southern *cough* gentleman. Last night, we dealt with an angel and some bandits, the latter would have been the right moment, but apparently dealing with an intimidating bandaged priest (who played his part beautifully) and several more angry and irritated gunslingers was a bit much.

I knew I should have just started shooting.

So, erstwhile reader(s) - how do you find your voice, when there's nothing naturally flowing forth to inspire you? Give it time and be patient? Try to create situations in which it'll come out? Modify other aspects to try and "fit" in better.

I've got some plans for the potentially long train ride west, so we shall see what happens then. It can't be quiet all the time.


  1. I would say wait. I have plans that should let Rex shine. But this is just Assn Allard part of the support for him. In making a transition to the next big sorry a lot of plot is being spoon fed, which limits the opportunity for agency on the part of action and not think characters. Sweet Water will be Rex comes into his own, and his role in the group (and the larger story) becomes clear, I suspect.

    1. Stupid phone. *Akward part of the story for him

  2. I say be patient. I felt as though it took me a long time to hit my stride with Ruby. There are other campaigns in which I've played where I have felt I was madly flailing at my character almost until the bitter end.

    Sometimes it just takes that Just Right Moment for the characterisation to click. I'm sure that if I look back through my notes I could pinpoint where I finally "got" Ruby.

  3. If I don't feel a character, I usually just wait. Invariably, something comes along that makes the character "fit" in my head, and then I can more properly act the part.

    The character I always point to was Stelian Negrescu, my Vryloka paladin I played at a D&D Encounters story arc. For several sessions, I just didn't have an idea of who he was. One night, while contemplating, the idea of "Vlad Dracula + Buddha" came to me, and he's made sense ever since.
